Veronika Bodizs

Personal Blog

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My values

Building a life of greatness requires a strong base. The most effective way to inspire the world is to lead…

Ayahuasca journey

I believe we can reach the highest states of consciousness through meditation and breathwork. Some people feel the calling within…

Spiritual Journey II.

Part two: Meditation and Ayahuasca changed my perception of life. The journey will teach us unique lessons to become who…

Life as Miss Universe I

How winning the Hungarian beauty competition changed my life. Every experience comes with its positive and negative sides. Sometimes we…

Daily rutin

I love to stay focused in the moment and live by a daily routine that provides a strong base for…

Life Style

This moment is our past, present, and future at once. I love to make every moment valuable and fill it…

Self Love

We all deserve a quality life filled with valuable moments. Our capability to enjoy and love our life depends on…

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© 2023 – Veronika Bódizs