Veronika Bodizs

Personal Blog

Veronika Bódizs • Dec 15, 2022 • 4 min read


Updated: Jan 7

We all deserve a quality life filled with valuable moments. Our capability to enjoy and love our life depends on the amount of love we have for ourselves. This is why self-love is such an important subject.

We can only give what we have and share the feelings we hold in our hearts. It all starts in our relationship with ourselves.

One simple fact is that:

I am the only one with my exact life experience and you are the only one with yours. No one on this Earth has the same exact life experience, not even your twin. We are all unique and it depends on us what we make out of our own stories. So no one can judge you since no one really lived your experience, others can see your story from their own point of perspective which is based on their life journey.

How do you feel now? Are you able to love and accept yourself?

It is safe to be the fullest expression of your being here and now. Love every single part of yourself including your past and desires. In my opinion, there is no good and no bad. I see people as souls on their own evolution to self-love, and their behavior is reflecting their own relationship with themselves. This is why I don’t judge but I am very selective with whom I welcome into my presence. I believe we are mirrors of each other so I choose loving and whole mirrors around me. I believe we are all made of the same source of energy and we are all equal on a soul level still in this earthly existence we can create different levels of vibrations. I choose to live on the highest one possible.

“I create my own jurney which makes my heart shine. I live my life for Love.”

Prioritize well-being and love yourself first

A quality life is based on quality time. There is no rush just enjoy the journey as it is now. I believe doing and being is equally important.


The continuous creation and evolution through changes is a constant base of human life experience. My belief is – everything that exists in my presence is energy, and energy is love. Therefore I am able to have trust in the Universe and within me that all of my experiences make me grow, regardless I judge them as positive or negative.

This moment is really the only thing that exists, always been and It's infinite.

Being still and going within ourselves is as much important as creating in the outside world. Becoming aware of our rhythm of breathing and sensations within the body can magnify every pleasure. Stillness also helps me to get to know myself more and become aware of the conversation in my mind. This is the only way to open our hearts to be able to enjoy the present.

My main focus in this lifetime is to create a lifestyle that brings me joy, peace, love, and excitement. I love to connect with individuals who share similar values and follow their own hearts. I like to show appreciation for everything in my reality because all of that is a gift of existence.

Connecting with my body

I take time daily to clear my mind and do breathwork and yoga together. This is what connects me with my soul and my body. After my yoga sessions, my mind feels clear and I am able to be in the moment and be present and attract miracles with ease.

I do my own type of yoga which is a mix of kundalini and breathwork. I begin by focusing my attention on my breathing and I follow the feelings in my body by moving in harmony with its rhythm. When I become at one with myself I am able to unlock a powerful energy that makes the pain feel pleasurable and harmonizes all of my body parts.

When I feel whole and at one with my inner power I’m ready to go on with my daily duties.

My belief system/ Self-Image

I love this world we are living in. I feel like it’s a playground where we can create different realities and toys which allow us to experience more feelings/vibrations/frequencies to grow. It is very important to act and create in harmony with the person I am which is my self-image. The quality of my self-image is based on my love and respect for myself. The more work we put into ourselves the greater trust we have in our abilities.

"Yes your feelings are matter and your desires are important. I belive in your capability to make your dream life come true, because you deserve it. You deserve the most joyful reality that you can see for yourself"

Law of Attraction

I believe success is based on aim-oriented constant actions and trust.

When I have a clear goal I imagine myself already reaching it, and my actions during my day are in the consent of my successful reality. I simply embody my highest self because I have the trust of the Universe’s willingness to co-create with me. I believe we are surrounded by loving awareness.


Open your heart and be yourself.

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