Veronika Bodizs

Personal Blog

Veronika Bódizs • Dec 15, 2022 • 4 min read

Life as Miss Universe I

Updated: Jan 5

How winning the Hungarian beauty competition changed my life. Every experience comes with its positive and negative sides. Sometimes we dream of an outcome that will change our life but it is simply self-love that can provide a key to happiness.

I was a student at International Business School learning Financial management. It was my last year at the university when I got invited to apply for Miss Universe Hungary.

During the last few years, I was writing my diary about my goals and dreams and my deepest desire was to become a beauty queen. It was my secret dream which I never thought will come true.


I remember I have been hesitating till the last moment worrying about what my classmates and friends would say about me if I went to a competition like this. In business, you have to take on your masculine side and hide your feminine traits but in the beauty world, it’s the opposite.

When I applied for Miss Universe in Hungary, I remember saying to my girlfriend:

"If they pick me as a competitor I am going for the crown, but if they don't choose me, I will never talk about this again"

When the morning arrived for the casting, I stayed in bed and felt like skipping the competition. My girlfriend, with whom we shared the apartment, woke me up and encouraged me to go – I’m forever grateful for her.

As you know now the casting went well and I was in, my girlfriend was there supporting me.

What do you think made me a winner?

– Using the law of attraction. I used scripting and visualization every day. I gave thanks for living my life as Miss Universe and I have been seeing the crowning moment in my mind before it happened. I was fully focused on behaving and acting as if I am already Miss Universe for the next 2 weeks coming up to the big day. I also tapped into the power of positive affirmations, constantly reciting positive phrases such as

“I am beautiful, I am confident, I am Miss Universe”.

I was determined and passionate about achieving my goal and I stayed true to my vision. I was truly living and breathing the role of Miss Universe, and that gave me the strength and confidence to shine on the day.

During the preparation, I was going to the university and helped my family. I was having more and more pressure on myself and started skipping eating and sleeping to be able to perform in all areas. Even though I loved every minute of it until I find out what the press was writing.

I didn’t know how to prioritize myself back then, but now I know that having a strong connection with your inner self is very important. It can help you make better decisions and stay grounded and centered when faced with difficult situations. Loving yourself ensures you stay true to yourself even when faced with pressure from the outside world. Taking time to connect with your inner self is hugely beneficial and can lead to a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilled life.

The day of the event arrived and I was nervous. I had to compete against some of the most beautiful girls in Hungary.

My sisters and friends were watching me from the first row and seeing them filled my eyes with love. I believe this was the reason for winning the viewer’s votes too.

"Love makes you shine :)"

I gave it my all and I won. Joy and pride filled my soul but the fear and the doubts were still there. I smiled and thanked everyone for their support and encouragement. I then set my sights on the future and worked hard to hone my skills and maintain a positive attitude.

I read books and watched videos to learn the catwalk, and I practiced with a teacher. I had one month to prepare for the international event and in this one month, I participated in many charity events and meetings and spent days not eating and sleeping just a few hours but still I was there smiling and kind at all events.

I was so lucky to have Timea Vajna as the owner of the Hungarian competition every event with her was fantastic and special.

All the love from my fans and every person who had their attention on me gave me the power I never knew I had. I am grateful to each and every one of my fans for their unconditional love and support. Your messages of encouragement, kind words, and inspiring stories have been my source of strength and motivation throughout this journey. Words cannot express my gratitude for the time and effort that you have invested in me. I was humbled and thankful for the opportunity to represent my country.

But I also received hateful messages and these shocked me. This time I had such a little experience in the world of fame I didn’t know at first how to ignore them. Luckily loving messages were like 90% so I put my focus on that. Now I know self-love gives me a whole different view on people and behaviors and I see all of that with acceptance.

To help myself cope with this pressure, I started to practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques. I took deep breaths, and whenever I felt overwhelmed, I tried to take a few moments to be aware of my breathing and my body.

In part two I will write everything about the international competition and the effect it had on my mental and physical health.

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