Veronika Bodizs

Personal Blog

Veronika Bódizs • Dec 15, 2022 • 2 min read


Updated: Jan 5

I love to stay focused in the moment and live by a daily routine that provides a strong base for my long-term goal – a joyful life memory.

Every single act is important because they either bring you towards or away from your goals.


I start my day with my own guided meditation, just after I am awake I play my 40 minutes meditation. When I’m up I make my bed and head to a refreshing shower and prepare my body ready for the day. Before breakfast, I do yoga and meditation and when I’m done I love to enjoy my healthy starter for the day accompanied by beautiful piano music. Then I begin with my daily duties.

"The base of a good day is a pleasurable morning rutine."

Day time

Every day is a new and unique day, especially in women’s life. Our bodies are following a monthly circle and we have different strengths depending on the stage we are at. I love to go out with my friends for a nice afternoon tea or to restaurants. Some days I devote myself to sports and yoga and I spend in nature. Also, there are times when I prefer to stay in and I write my diary and create a blog post or do housework. When there are special events in the world such as Fashion Week or Art Basel I like to stay active and visit more places.


Night time routine

I love to be at home early and have quality time before going to sleep. Usually, I’m having dinner with my friends at some great restaurant but on those days when I’m staying in I love to cook my favorite foods. Cooking at home is my hobby I find it relaxing and healthy.

Before sleep, I always do yoga and meditation, and some gratitude journaling. It’s very important for me to stay on the frequency of gratefulness because the more I practice it the more things I find to be grateful for. Then I get ready for a nice heartwarming shower and I do my skincare routine preparing my body for the night.

Eden Rock – Hotel du Cap

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