Veronika Bodizs

Personal Blog

Veronika Bódizs • Dec 15, 2022 • 5 min read

Ayahuasca journey

Updated: Jan 5

I believe we can reach the highest states of consciousness through meditation and breathwork. Some people feel the calling within to do ayahuasca, but it is not for everyone and not needed to achieve unique experiences. It is not a recommendation!

What is Ayahuasca?

The spirit of Ayahuasca is said to be the spirit of Mother Nature, the spirit of the rainforest, and the collective energy of the plant world. It is believed to be a powerful source of healing and transformation, connecting those who take it to their highest spiritual potential. Ayahuasca is said to be a healing plant, a teacher, and a guide, offering insight into the true nature of reality and helping to open one up to the spiritual realm and the divine within.

Ayahuasca is a psychoactive substance that is found in the Amazon rainforest and is used in traditional Amazonian shamanic practices. It is made from the leaves and stems of the Psychotria viridis plant, which contain the psychedelic compound dimethyltryptamine (DMT), and the Banisteriopsis caapi vine, which contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). The combination of these two plants creates a powerful, mind-altering experience that is said to produce profound spiritual and emotional insights.

During an ayahuasca ceremony, a person drinks a brewed mixture of the plants and then experiences vivid hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. These experiences can be intense and may include vivid colors, patterns, and shapes, as well as emotional and spiritual insights. Some people report having profound spiritual experiences during an ayahuasca ceremony, while others may have more difficult or challenging experiences. It is important to note that ayahuasca is not for everyone and can have serious risks and potential negative consequences, including psychological distress and physical harm. It should be used with caution and under the guidance of a trained and experienced facilitator.

The heart

Overall I had 6 ceremonies which mean 3×2 nights with the plant medicine. Every experience was a blessing and beautiful. I had each time a loving experience and I believe the reason is that I focused my attention on my heart chakra.

In our bodies, there is a channel within the heart center that can take us to other realms of consciousness. Through the channel of the heart, we can reach into the Divine and connect to the Source. We are gifted with this powerful tool that can help us to access higher states of consciousness. Through this channel, we can transcend our physical limitations and experience a deeper connection to the Divine. We can open our hearts to receive the love and guidance that is available to us. We can also use this channel to connect to our divine essence and discover our true potential. The channel of the heart is a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, and it can help us to manifest our highest intentions.

“Being - Self-love - Trust ”


During my journey, I was able to experience Oneness with everything. When I see with my heart I can feel that everything is consciousness. Since that moment I never felt lonely because I know I am always surrounded by Loving Awareness. This knowledge gives me trust, we are in an ever-changing world made out of energy and everything is possible. I become aware of the importance of my relationship with my surrounding.

"How do I feel about that thing or that person?"

Everything and every being in my world reflects back to me how I feel about it. I am the center of my world and my world is as I create. This helped me to make a decision not to judge anything or anyone just accept it and love it as it is. The basis of becoming a joyful being is to become aware of my feelings and my judgments and then release them. When I’m free of judgment I can simply feel the flow of acting accordingly to my highest self and life become easy.

"When I love everything - everything loves me back"

Mirror world

I can only see in others what I have within me. In my vision, I’ve experienced having vortex-like energy around the body of every living person. This energy surrounds us and reflects back all our belief systems onto us. What we notice in another person and we make a judgment, we are in fact making a judgment of ourselves – because that’s all we can see in others.

I also sensed that communication is happening through vibration and that the understanding of the words or language was just an illusion. We hear what we choose to hear and understand as we believe.


As within so without. When we look up at the night sky we see the stars and galaxies in the Universe and we have a common understanding that space is infinite. When we enter the body and open the eye of the heart the same infinity exists within us. We are made of an infinite number of cells and energy.

My being is infinite and it has always been and forever exists. Becoming one with all made me understand that this moment is all that is. We are changing constantly and our bodies too, we name this ever-changing nature of being as time, but we are changing in the forever existing now.

I often question myself – ” Is my world around me or within my mind? ” – this question depends on the perspective. From one perspective, the world is outside of me and exists independently of my mind. From another perspective, the world is created within my mind and is a product of my thoughts and beliefs. I believe there are different levels of consciousness and the understanding of life depends on which one we experiencing at the current moment.


This existence is a gift to experience. In this realm of existence, we can feel pain and pleasure, dark and light, up and down, and through this variety of experiences we can grow awareness of our true nature. So I learned to be grateful for everything because this planet is a beautiful magic ball filled with life. Everything is created by the great power – colors, animals, nature and it’s all a fantastic miracle. I focus on joy to be my leading emotion because on this frequency I can fully experience life from my soul’s perspective.

Mother Earth

We are in the womb of this Mother Earth like little babies growing and evolving. When my mind is deeply rooted in my heart I always know that we are all safe and protected and loved at all times. On this journey, my purpose is to live with joy and enjoy every moment that is gifted to me to be experienced. It is safe to love this world and it is safe to live with pleasure. I accept myself as I am and I thrive to grow to be the best version of myself.

Energetic body

Breathing is a very important function of the body, this gives a constant movement to the chest and generates life force energy. We are so used to focusing on our outside world and often we forget to take a deep breath.

Shallow breathing is a type of breathing in which an individual takes shallow breaths or breaths that are smaller than normal. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, anxiety, fear, illness, and even pregnancy.

So breathing exercises are in my daily routine and they make me feel renewed and peaceful. When the body is in harmony the energy can flow freely, allowing for physical and mental well-being. This improves the functioning of the immune system, well-being, and mental clarity. It can also help to reduce inflammation and pain and allow for better sleep.

I do yoga every morning and before sleep just following my body’s needs.

Love yourself and love your life.

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